Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jillian and I just welcomed our first baby girl into this world on Sunday. Her name is Reese Dillon Iannetta and she is incomprehensibly beautiful! We are both very in love with her. It's crazy that she is here now after 9 months of preparation. She's better than I could have imagined. When I first had the chance to hold her for a while, I just stared at her with wonder and amazement. My eyes welled up with tears of joy. I didn't know what to do, I was so taken by her! Having this baby has made me see more of God than I thought I would. I mean she isn't doing anything for me...she is just eating, sleeping, and pooping, yet I love her like crazy. This is exactly what God's love is like for us. My love for Reese pales in comparison to God's love for me...His child. He looks at me with the same wonder and amazement...the same love and joy, but His love is perfect. And I don't have to do anything...He just loves me. Many of you reading this blog are right in the middle of parenting a middle school student and probably feel some of the same things. You love your child like crazy and it probably seems sometimes that they are not doing anything for you. I am sure you don't always revel in amazement. You don't always see them as beautiful beyond belief. There are times when your child even seems like a stranger to you. But you love them. You love them like crazy. That is God's love. I know that when Reese grows older, she will mess up and she will disappoint me, but there is one thing I know for sure. I will never stop loving her, no matter what she has done, no matter what she becomes. Why? Because this is God's love. It's unconditional. It's for me.