I read this letter to the 8th graders last night as a final charge to them. I also gave them a laminated copy of it. I have more if your son/daughter didn't get one.
Dear Edge Class of 2010,
I know that the last 3 years have probably not gone too quickly for you, but they have for me! It seems like just the other day, you guys were coming into Edge as little 6th graders. You were so small and so innocent…some of you. You were also so excited about everything. You have changed a ton over the course of 3 years…more than you have even recognized yourself. The growth you have experienced in 3 years was probably a little bit of a blur to you, but it was very evident to me.
Obviously, all of you have grown physically because this is the time of life where that just happens. However, I have seen many of you become more mature. I have see many of you go from crazy little kids to guys and girls who are easy to talk to, serious about life, and serious about your faith. Needless to say, you have grown a lot. Most importantly, you have grown spiritually…some of you more than others, but all of you in some capacity. Some of you made decisions to make Christ your Savior during middle school. Some of you made your faith your own. Before, going to church was just something you did because your parents brought you and believing in God was just something you said because that is all you knew. But now, you have recognized that God actually loves you and that Jesus actually died for you. Coming to grips with this changes everything. You have grown through mission trips, retreats, camps, service projects, small group, and just weekly Edge meetings.
So many of you have had moments of brilliance, moments of glory, moments of faithfulness, and moments of growth. Some of you stepped out in faith at school. Some of stepped up and took on leadership roles within Edge. Many of you brought your friends to Late Night or Edge Games so that they could hear about Jesus. So many of you have grown to understand what Edge is all about.
However, as you move into high school, you have some decisions to make. You must make your faith in Christ so much more than moments of brilliance. It has to be daily. You are headed into a time in your life where you must decide who you are. If you have been at Edge long enough, you have heard me say that you belong to Jesus Christ. You know that He bought you at a price and that price was His death on a cross. That moment in history is what defines your life if you know Christ. Don’t lose that! You must decide now who you are going to be. You have to decide that you are going to follow Jesus and build your life on the solid foundation. Remember that if you decide to make no decision about Christ, you have made the wrong decision. The Bible is very clear that following Christ is not easy and not many people actually follow Him. Jesus says that the road to life is narrow and few find it while the road to destruction is broad and many go there. That means that following Christ is hard, but has a great reward. You get to have life abundantly…life forever. It does not mean that things will always go well. It does not mean you will be rich. It does not mean you are invincible. But it does mean that you will experience freedom, joy, hope, peace, and forgiveness. It means that when bad things happen and rough times come, you will be like the house built on the rock and you will not fall because of your faith.
Don’t ever forget who you are. You don’t belong to your friends, you don’t belong to drugs or alcohol, you don’t belong to your girlfriend or boyfriend, and you don’t belong to anything or anyone but the One who loves you so much He died for you. You belong to Jesus Christ. Run after Him, serve Him, love Him, love others, and spend time with Him. Tough times will come your way, but He will never ever let you down. I want each of you to think about who you want to be at the end of high school. I want each of you think about how you want to be remembered. When your classmates are looking back at an old year book of your high school days, what are they going to say about you? Don’t wait to take your faith seriously until it’s too late. Decide now how you want to be remembered. At the end of high school and at the end of your life, I want you to be able to say what Paul said at the end of his life.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
If you ever need anything from me, I am here for you. My hope and prayer for you is that you would stay involved in Tha Porch, but more importantly that you would never forget who you are in Christ!
Love in Christ,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
the friend you've always wanted, part 1
The series
This series is called, “the friend you’ve always wanted.” Now, I know what many of you are thinking. He is going to take about how the best friend you could ever have is Jesus. Although that is true that Jesus is our friend, that’s not what I am talking about. Instead, I am talking about human friendships. We are calling it the friend you’ve always wanted because we are going to challenge each one of you to be the friend you have always wanted. Too many times, we point to other people and say, they are a bad friend, they are mean, they are rude, they are this and they are that, but this series is not going to be about other people, this series is going to be all about each one of you asking the questions, “Am I a good friend?”
This week
The importance of Christian friends
1. Christian friends should not be your only friends.
Christian friends should not be your only friends, but they should be your best friends. That is really important because there is a line that we need to draw here.
Why is it important that we don’t just have Christian friends?
There are 2 passages that give us commands on what we are supposed to do as Christians. Here they are:
Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
How are we supposed to tell people about Christ if we don’t have any friends that are not Christians?
Now, you could tell people about Christ that aren’t Christians, but how are they going to trust you and see how it works in your life if you aren’t friends with them?
2. Christian friends are not always good friends.
A real Christian friend is someone who actually builds you up and encourages you. Someone who doesn’t drag you down, that doesn’t lead you to more sin.
· Christian school doesn’t make you a Christian
· Coming to Edge doesn’t make you a Christian either.
· Going to McDonalds doesn’t make you a hamburger.
If you have friends that are Christians, but you know they are bringing you down, you may need to distance yourself.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
3. Christian friends will be your greatest friends
Out of all the friends you have, you need Christian friends the most. If they are living as a Christian (not perfect, but striving to follow Christ), then they are going to become your most valuable friends. Why would Christian friends be so valuable?
EXAMPLE of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the feiry furnace (Daniel 3)
What does this story have to do friendships?
These 3 guys stuck together in their faith in God and did amazing things because of their faith. Do you think they could have done it alone? Maybe, but it would have been a whole lot more difficult. Having friends that shared in the same faith, gave them the power to stand up to the King and the strength to be thrown into a furnace together. That is the power of having Christian friends.
This series is called, “the friend you’ve always wanted.” Now, I know what many of you are thinking. He is going to take about how the best friend you could ever have is Jesus. Although that is true that Jesus is our friend, that’s not what I am talking about. Instead, I am talking about human friendships. We are calling it the friend you’ve always wanted because we are going to challenge each one of you to be the friend you have always wanted. Too many times, we point to other people and say, they are a bad friend, they are mean, they are rude, they are this and they are that, but this series is not going to be about other people, this series is going to be all about each one of you asking the questions, “Am I a good friend?”
This week
The importance of Christian friends
1. Christian friends should not be your only friends.
Christian friends should not be your only friends, but they should be your best friends. That is really important because there is a line that we need to draw here.
Why is it important that we don’t just have Christian friends?
There are 2 passages that give us commands on what we are supposed to do as Christians. Here they are:
Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
How are we supposed to tell people about Christ if we don’t have any friends that are not Christians?
Now, you could tell people about Christ that aren’t Christians, but how are they going to trust you and see how it works in your life if you aren’t friends with them?
2. Christian friends are not always good friends.
A real Christian friend is someone who actually builds you up and encourages you. Someone who doesn’t drag you down, that doesn’t lead you to more sin.
· Christian school doesn’t make you a Christian
· Coming to Edge doesn’t make you a Christian either.
· Going to McDonalds doesn’t make you a hamburger.
If you have friends that are Christians, but you know they are bringing you down, you may need to distance yourself.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
3. Christian friends will be your greatest friends
Out of all the friends you have, you need Christian friends the most. If they are living as a Christian (not perfect, but striving to follow Christ), then they are going to become your most valuable friends. Why would Christian friends be so valuable?
EXAMPLE of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the feiry furnace (Daniel 3)
What does this story have to do friendships?
These 3 guys stuck together in their faith in God and did amazing things because of their faith. Do you think they could have done it alone? Maybe, but it would have been a whole lot more difficult. Having friends that shared in the same faith, gave them the power to stand up to the King and the strength to be thrown into a furnace together. That is the power of having Christian friends.
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